For Dad it was a week as usual, that is: rising early, working around the house and a couple of rounds of golf – except this was the week he turned 90! On Wednesday, his golfing buddies hosted a celebration in the elegant KGC dining room. The group feasted on fish and pheasant, sipped ancient Langmeil shiraz, and ribbed each other mercilessly – and rowdily. Several times, the tempo rose to the verge of being shooshed by the young-uns. Fortunately, entitlement does come with age.
On Saturday afternoon, the party came to his home, where approximately thirty friends gathered to reminisce and share the milestone of Errol’s 90 th year. The centrepiece of the formalities was undoubtedly the golfing inspired birthday cake. Complete with tee, rough, trees, bunker and a flag – imagined by Ross and realised by Jen. After some short speeches, Dad joked that he was three-putting the greens more often these days, and that it wasn’t so much that he had trouble with the line and slope, but more with making the distance!
Five hours later the crowd thinned out, a pity because we were just about to get the 30’s style dancing underway – next time!
PS. There aren’t any worries of going the distance. On both these days, Errol had risen at 5 AM and played 18 holes before lunch!