You know it’s bedtime and NO you cannot have another biscuit!
Xmas 2013 in Canberra
This year Ross hosted us all in Canberra. Dad praised Ross for the best pasta he had ever eaten, Trevor brought along his boat for outings on Lake Burley Griffin, Jen added some flair to morning pancakes, Danny helped out with everything and Eugene – well he just played and played!
- All present
- Pancake man
- Master Slave
- Slightly moving
The Rich Coast
A Quality Life in stores now
Finally, June’s memoir ‘A Quality Life’ is available.
As an eBook it can be found online in major stores including Amazon, iBooks (via iTunes), Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Just search on author, title or ISBN 9781618429247.
The ‘print on demand” paperback can be ordered online, or at your local bookshop using ISBN 9780646904740.
All sale proceeds will be donated to MND Australia. For more details refer to the A Quality Life page.
Ceffyl Dwr Launch
A hole in one! Errol (b.1/9/1922)
For Dad it was a week as usual, that is: rising early, working around the house and a couple of rounds of golf – except this was the week he turned 90! On Wednesday, his golfing buddies hosted a celebration in the elegant KGC dining room. The group feasted on fish and pheasant, sipped ancient Langmeil shiraz, and ribbed each other mercilessly – and rowdily. Several times, the tempo rose to the verge of being shooshed by the young-uns. Fortunately, entitlement does come with age.
On Saturday afternoon, the party came to his home, where approximately thirty friends gathered to reminisce and share the milestone of Errol’s 90 th year. The centrepiece of the formalities was undoubtedly the golfing inspired birthday cake. Complete with tee, rough, trees, bunker and a flag – imagined by Ross and realised by Jen. After some short speeches, Dad joked that he was three-putting the greens more often these days, and that it wasn’t so much that he had trouble with the line and slope, but more with making the distance!
Five hours later the crowd thinned out, a pity because we were just about to get the 30’s style dancing underway – next time!
PS. There aren’t any worries of going the distance. On both these days, Errol had risen at 5 AM and played 18 holes before lunch!
Dad turns 1011001! (in binary)
Download and save your copy of PIX 28th Aug 1943 from here. Wait there’s more … Bonus PIX Xmas 1943 – Pinups for Servicemen.
There are starlets of course but all very proper. The tacky magazine today commenced after the union with People. Surprisingly, the old PIX is classified as a newspaper and is informative, and refreshingly gossip and ad free.
The State Library has since moved the collection to valuable archive status. That’s where they give you a pillow to rest open books upon. Looks like I just got this done in time, I’m guessing no unsupervised, full copy scanning from now on!
Fit for a Queen Mary
Banff National Park
Errol has reported that the Jasper to Lake Louise trip is THE most scenic experience he has ever had. That’s saying something for an inveterate traveller after criss-crossing the world for the umpteenth time. (Trevor recalls his fantatstic rail trip across Canada in the dome car years ago. For some strange reason Ross chose to separate and went by bus!)
Mulling it over
Eugene in cinema … almost
Eugene at altitude
in the grounds of Forest Primary School, ACT on 16 March 2011, Eugene aged 20 months.
The way-cool dancer
Eugene busting a few moves to Sting Cheese Incident and funky jazz outfit Mahavishu Orchestra.
Hot air over wintry Melbourne
The Balloon Man’s wicker basket wasn’t quite full so Jenni and Trevor obliged. It was a perfect winter morning for the flight from Thornbury to Moorabbin. For more pics
The boy likes the pool
I like the boy!
Anzac Day Potraits at a Gallery
Are we expecting?
Ron Mueck really knows how to engage the viewer.
Ross explains how ideas collide
German beer hall was ideal for high brow talk.
Eugene and Rea head south
Eugene tottering on two
Our Eugene Roy Burdon has been standing with support for a couple of weeks now. Now he readily pulls himself up and loves it.
NZ getaway
More of New Zealand had been on my to do list, and I took the opportunity to base myself in Christchurch for a week’s holiday. At the last minute Dad secured a cheap flight as well and joined me. He’s ticked off the Transzalpine train journey to Greymouth now, but I still want to see the very North of the South island. … mmm maybe I could incorporate a sailing trip …
Bagus Bali
What a cutie!
South American highlights
Ushuaia, Argentina – mainland South America

Errol in Patagonia
As far south as you can go without being an expeditioner.
Fabulous tours to islands teeming with seals, penguins and albatrosses, and the National Park where Chilean salt water meets Argentinian fresh water. Fit and well.
Errol visits La Laguna Verde, Bolivia
Land of the long white cloud
I took a week at the end of October to tour the South Island of New Zealand. I realised pretty quickly that there is a lot to see, and shortened my trip to Christchurch -> Lake Tekapo (1 night) -> Queenstown (3 nights) -> Dunedin (2 nights) -> Christchurch (1night). Car hire is cheap, Jetstar offer the best deals and BBH backpackers are generally very good. Will have to go back!
Gaudi Park – Jen takes a break from conference

Jen in Barcelona
Beautiful colours and shapes – great ideas for bling!
Am cruising on the Seine

Jen in Paris
Very exciting roaming around beautiful buildings everywhere. Been to Arles and met Tanya and now off to Lyon to catch up with Ruby from Bruny Island.